Thursday, 26 June 2014

So I just viewed my profile and realised I still had this blog active (and untouched for about 6 and a half years).

Over that time I have: completed the "Perfect Sweater" and immediately ruined it in a drink-related incident on first wearing, bought as many yarns as years I've been alive, knitted 5 assorted Christmas presents, 4 teddies for babies (& my mum), had 4 house moves, held 3 jobs (with another starting next month), made 2 hats, 2 jumpers, planned one wedding, created a pair of mittens, half a glove and I am just today finishing off my very first design project. But I can't tell you about that yet because it's a secret.

My knitting  has come in waves over that time and is currently back at a peak, with my obsession growing and my list of promises growing longer.

This week is my birthday and, as my birthday treat, I'm making my very considerate hubby take me to my very first Woolfest.

I will be back to update you when my secret project is less secret and my yarn count exceeds my age.